How far along? 17 weeks, 5 days today; 17 weeks, 3 days at the time of the photo
How big is baby? Baby is the size of an onion and about half a pound.
How am I feeling? Excited!
Symptoms? The acne remains. My tailbone has also gotten fairly sore. Some mild cramping. And I broke out in hives, which may or may not be pregnancy related, but most definitely SUCKS.
Cravings? Spaghetti!
Stretch Marks? Still none.
Sleep? Same: pretty well, but if anything wakes me up, it's a lot harder to get back to sleep. I'm also having to go to the bathroom a lot more at night. It's a rarity if I can make it without getting up once.
Movement? I feel pretty confident that the slight feelings I've been having are baby, especially after seeing him kicking and moving like CRAZY.
Looking Forward to? Getting the house in order this week :)
What have been the highlights of the week? I went to GA for my sister's college family day, which was super fun, and of course the Anatomy Scan!! Everything looks healthy and we found out we're having a baby boy!
Andrew was able to make it (YAY!), but couldn't leave until the time of the appointment so he was about 20 minutes late. The tech was awesome. She stalled like crazy for us and I never for a moment felt rushed.
Look at that handsome man!
He was seriously moving around like crazy. Andrew said he didn't realize how much space baby had to wiggle and was imagining him pretty much swaddled in there. When I told him I had a coke to help baby get moving, he was a bit upset, which was hilarious because he's always the one to say "Ah, who cares, baby will be fine." But after seeing him, he was like, "But he's moving so much! He's probably so anxious!!"

This is baby's arm. Not his man parts, as some stipulated...
Baby alien face!! Oh my gosh every time she showed us the face we were both like, "Eww." Haha
And here's the money shot! He was VERY cooperative!
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